They sell cheap gadgets and small novelty items as well as replicas of popular products. Prices are cheap with free shipping generally, but some items can be found cheaper on eBay. Shipping and handling is quite slow. As long as you don't expect much item you should be satisfied, but you get what you pay for and items generally feel cheap.
Ordered 7 items, they were delivered 20 days later. Great prices, as many others have noted, and they have a great selection of gadgets, tools, and toys. If you're looking for something to use or just play with around the house, chances are you will be able to find it on DealExtreme. (as long as you don't have urgent need for the things you order, and are prepared to wait)
We make it a point to visit DX whenever we are in need of any electronics before we shop else where. Free shipping and the lowest price. You canno beat Dx on price. Bought USB Bluetooth dongle and Car FM Streo Transmitter recently at the lowest price. Shipping is was prompt eventhough it took considerably longer considering domestic online sites due to the fact that items are shipped from HK
I've bought several items from Deal Extreme over the years, never had any issues with missing items and they always arrive within the estimated shipping time which is up to 3 weeks. My latest purchase from them was a Torx T2 screwdriver for PSP that I needed to disassemble a tablet to unbrick it. It arrived within 7-10 business days and in good condition.
Low prices on gadgets, just low priority on service
I bought a Lenovo N5901 2.4GHz Portable Handheld Wireless Keyboard with Trackball Mouse from them, as they offered the lowest price for this item compared to other stores I had looked at. The item took approximately 3 weeks before it arrived, which is reasonable considering it was sent from Hong Kong.
As they deal with wholesale suppliers, Deal Extreme are pretty much a drop shipping service, and therefore stock may be delayed on not always guaranteed. Also don't expect much service or response from them during seasonal holidays.
They offer a large array of gadgets, often hard to find items on offer. Prices used to be generally cheaper than those found on eBay, but I no longer find this to be the case. Since they deal with more than one supplier, even if an item seems out of stock, make sure to check out their whole range as they might have the exact same item under a different SKU.
i bought a micro usb male to rj45 female adaptor for my tablet
chose DX for its good prices, and feedback for the adaptor seemed to indicate that many people had managed to get it working with their tablets. so for the price (plus free shipping), i thought it was worth a shot
got the confirmation invoice, and the item arrived after just over 2 weeks, all in good order
sadly the item didnt work, but that would most likely be an issue with my tablet, and not any fault with the item nor the company.
happy with the price and shipping times (give it 2 weeks to be safe). would buy from them again from my experience so far
"I've made over a dozen orders and all of them were delivered in perfect condition and have good quality. I get exactly what I want in good..." Read More
"Ordered a headphone case, with free delivery (according to their website, delivery is free for items under 20kg). The pricing was the same..." Read More