We ordered a board for our tv, when it was received it looked used and in fair condition. Unfortunately it did not fix the problem so we took the part back out of the tv and immediately placed it back in the box so there was no mix up. I had to then pay to return it. When it was received by the company they claimed it was the wrong part we returned and we were not going to be given our refund. When we called we couldnt understand the customer service rep and all he wanted to do was argue with us. So not only are we out the $52.50 we are also out $6.60 because I had to pay to ship it back! Worst customer service ever!
Store Representative
All parts shipped has a security sticker. The customer returned the wrong board. The security sticker was absent and the serial number did not match that which was sent. He was advised that the wrong board was returned but said he junked his TV. He was given a partial courtesy fund.