I started shopping at OzSale about two years ago. They have a huge variety of brands that I have not seen in Australia. The website features some of the same brands regularly, so if you miss out on one of their sales, it is likely that there will be another one for that brand in a month or two.
For my last order, I bought a leather handbag. On the website's photo, there was a long handle with the handbag. My handbag arrived in perfect condition but there was no handle. I emailed the company to ask them for a refund. I enclosed a screenshot of the website's photo which showed the handle. I received an email saying that my request had been approved. I sent the bag back and I paid for postage. The company refunded my money.
Delivery times are usually about a month. Tracking is not accurate, but that occurs with many companies.
There are many times that I would love to buy something from OzSale but I don't because the product isn't worth the cost of postage. For this reason, I tend to only buy from the company when there are a number of products that I want within the one transaction.
Ozsale had a Pumpkin Patch sale and I was able to purchase 7 items of kids clothes and accessories for $55 and postage was free too! Postage is never free with Ozsale but I think they offered it for the Pumpkin Patch sale as the PP usually offer free postage on their online shop. Dispatched 2 weeks later and items arrived in perfect condition each in their own plastic bags. very happy with this purchase.
I ordered a gift for my wife through OzSale, and was very much happy with their service and delivered as promised. The Parcel was well packed and i was also provided tracking id and email notification when the goods were dispatched.
I purchased Nicole Navy White Sports shirt and Anna Navy White tennis skirt with a special of free shipping. Last time I purchased from here, the shipping took more than two months. This time, the shipping took around 2 weeks. The clothes fitted nicely. I was very pleased with this experience.
I have purchased from Ozsale over 10 times now and I still find their prices hard to beat! Stock from popular brands do run out fast so good to access sale as soon as they open. I purchased a Pumpkin Patch brand long sleeve top for my daughter for only $6 and with free shipping too. Ozsale don't usually offer free shipping but they always do for Pumpkin Patch sales. delivered in 17 days, so quite quick and in time for winter.
I ordered some L'Occitane Olive Tree products that were on sale. I got it for a great price, some of the items were more then 50% off. The postage takes a little longer because you have to wait for the sale to finish but they do let you know this when you order.
I have made few purchases through ozsale before. So far, I have been pretty happy with the quality of product and price offered. The items ordered arrived fairly fast and no hassle on the online transaction process. Will definitely buy from again soon.
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For my last order, I bought a leather handbag. On the website's photo, there was a long handle with the handbag. My handbag arrived in perfect condition but there was no handle. I emailed the company to ask them for a refund. I enclosed a screenshot of the website's photo which showed the handle. I received an email saying that my request had been approved. I sent the bag back and I paid for postage. The company refunded my money.
Delivery times are usually about a month. Tracking is not accurate, but that occurs with many companies.
There are many times that I would love to buy something from OzSale but I don't because the product isn't worth the cost of postage. For this reason, I tend to only buy from the company when there are a number of products that I want within the one transaction.