They specialise in selling luxury brands. We're talking Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Chloe, etc.
I've purchased from them a few times now. I've compared the prices to the price from the branded stores - Ie. Chanel themselves, or LV. and Reebonz comes in 30%+ cheaper.
There are two physical locations for Reebonz so if you are so blessed to live or visit Sydney or Singapore, you get to walk through their luxurious showroom.
If you don't, like me, that's okay, coz they ship the product within 7 business days, and your purchase comes in a nice Reebonz branded cloth bag, in a black box, tied with a gorgeous bow. Delivered via courier too.
Oh, did I mention they email you a discount voucher shortly after each purchase just to tempt you for another "investment" purchase soon?
High Quality Designer Accessories at Super Low Prices
I have purchased from this website on two occaisions. I bought a designer handbag and wallet from this website. I managed to get high quality, beautiful products from Balenciaga and Miu Miu for a fraction of the price in Australia. There's free shipping and they regularly have clearance sales or pop credits in your account just because.
Products always shipped quickly, with tracking numbers and beautifully packaged. Highly recommended for those who love high class designer products.
The store is based in Singapore but goods were shipped in about a week. They have offline sales as well in Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane!!
"Ordered my Chanel levres lipgloss and got an additional 10% "we miss you" discount on top of their normal loyalty discounts. Free (and fas..." Read More
"I have purchased an item from this store for an outdoor event. This was the only place that had the specific item without the high price.
..." Read More
"I decided to order face moisturiser and mouthwash from Pharmacy Online as they were having a sale, I noticed similarities to Chemist Direc..." Read More
They specialise in selling luxury brands. We're talking Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Chloe, etc.
I've purchased from them a few times now. I've compared the prices to the price from the branded stores - Ie. Chanel themselves, or LV.
and Reebonz comes in 30%+ cheaper.
There are two physical locations for Reebonz so if you are so blessed to live or visit Sydney or Singapore, you get to walk through their luxurious showroom.
If you don't, like me, that's okay, coz they ship the product within 7 business days, and your purchase comes in a nice Reebonz branded cloth bag, in a black box, tied with a gorgeous bow. Delivered via courier too.
Oh, did I mention they email you a discount voucher shortly after each purchase just to tempt you for another "investment" purchase soon?